To strongly denounce the pro terrorist protestors would go a long way to direct moral opinion. Calling evil what it is went a long way to keep up the morale of those directly fighting the evil empire during the Cold War.

In the long run, taking a principled stand while clearly stating the ends you are striving for will be the political winner politicians are looking for. And the beauty is it almost always works.

This is not 1968 for sure, but it seems there are fewer citizens with the wisdom required to ensure the "survival and the success of liberty."

Thanks again for your hard work. Take care.

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Agreed. To be fair, they aren’t all pro-terrorist protesters and Harris has called out anti-Semitic slogans and chants in the protest movement, but I get your point.

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This may be a little off topic, however, do you not think that Biden's speech last night was irresponsible at the least and dangerous at worst in his demonizing Trump?

I am no Trump supporter but Biden's hyperbole and untruths do play into the toxic nature of our politics.

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I don’t know if they were "untruths” but agree that it’s unproductive at this point. Seems like the Harris campaign is trying to move away from that. But is anyone even listening to Biden anymore?

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Why can't the US at least recognise Palestine... give these people legitimacy.. so many other nations have. But not the US?

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It’s a good question. More and more states are doing so. But even if they did, which would be important, it would only be symbolic until Israel makes a deal that gives them land for a state.

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That land is disappearing rapidly under settlements, unfortunately.

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Thank you for articulating exactly what so many of us feel so perfectly. A really excellent piece.

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You do terrible damage to the cause of a Palestinian state. You just reinforced the worst stereotypes of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. You should be ashamed if yourself.

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handedly reduced those efforts to insignificance. The well-meaning demonstrators are angry and I understand. But they must realize that the alternative is a catastrophe for the entire region. I’ve tried to reason with some of them to no avail. One can only hope they don’t cause much more division this week.

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Thanks Mark. I’m not trying to discourage protests. But I think they need to be realistic about what they can achieve.

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Oh, I definitely understood that, and I agree with you completely.

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This is spot on Elise. I am a Lebanese-American attorney who has devoted decades to promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace. Bibi Netanyahu has single

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Friends: a correction: Chicago last hosted the convention in 1996. I was making the comparison about the last time there were these kinds of protests at a DNC convention in Chicago and mistakenly said the last Chicago convention was in 1968. Apologies.

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"Disproportionate response" . . .

Nice article, interesting points, but pray tell, what would you consider a proportional response by Israel?

And you make no mention of what the protesters are demanding. Ceasefire, yes. What else?

To be sure, I have no skin in this game. But, as much as I've read about events and the history of the region and can see legitimate grievances as a result of the behavior of multiple parties in the region, I can't get past one side consistently calling for killing all Jews and the destruction of Israel.

That these protesters are still chanting and flying "from the river to the sea" signs instantly has me dismiss them and the cause they serve.

Anyway, we'll likely have a ceasefire . . . which will be broken by Palestinians, which will necessitate a response . . . and the game goes on.

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A pretty good article, congratulations on finishing it.But atleast at the time of this genocide amarrica can back of a few arms deals and reduce the yearly donation to israle which has been on increase after the October 7. While I do not support hamas octobra 7 seems to be a reasonable act.

Gaza and Palestine will never fall no matter how much Israel tries,but at this pace of sending arms to Israel America is truly making a huge losss which will surely show it's economic impact.

A school ha sbeen bombed in Gaza killing more than 100 civilians who was there.

So what is your point?is it call out and stopping the protest of Palestinians(see if the Palestine protest were to stop,then it just shows that nobody cares about a literal gencode happening.At the end we need to do something then chilling at the sofa with a good caffeine),or that you support Kamala?

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did you actually say October 7 was a “reasonable act?”

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It's fine even if you find october 7 not fine.But sitting and doing nothing in your house is worse than protesting.

Do what you can. In a democratic country people's decision and choices should be considered a top priority and through these protest the people of democratic give voice to their choices.

Isn't people the democracy or the politicians??

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