As always, a pleasure to read. But I am missing something. Although you correctly state “The reality is that the world is weary of the region’s perpetual cycle of violence and stalemate”, you leave out that the Pals (and in the more distant past most Arab states) have refused to end the conflict. As you know, the Pals were offered deals over the years, I believe it was six times, and they refused each deal outright and have never agreed to any compromise from their part. It has always been all or nothing for them. Their definition of give and take has always been, and still is, Israel gives and they take. Thus the cycle of violence could have been broken years ago.

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Three weeks ago Secretary Blinken had mentioned that Iran needed perhaps less than two weeks to produce enough material for a nuclear weapon. What if Iran is perhaps using this opportunity to build and test a nuclear weapon? Sounds far-fetched but maybe it could justify the weapon as a deterrent? It is already sanctioned heavily. What more to lose?

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Good stuff. Thanks.

The U.S. can be the one to knock some heads. Non escalation is only prolonging the problem and playing into Iran's hands. Iran is the belligerent here and if they continue not to suffer consequences of their actions then this will go on and on.

The United States can destroy Iran's nuclear program and inflict damage to their economy in hours. And after all the protestations by the Arab states, in the end they will be relieved that Iran is subdued. This could have been avoided with a consistent policy of strength toward Iran in the past.

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