Recommended by Elise Labott of Cosmopolitics
I have known Janine for years, and I have learned so much from her about human beahvior, emotional intelligence and interpreting people’s motivations by reading their body language. This Substack is a a treasure trove of tips you will use on a daily basis.
I founded Zivvy News with Eric Weisbrod to give young people a voice in the media conversation on issues shaping their future. They are a politcal force and should be treated as stakeholders. Our mission is to inform, engage and empower the next generation of changemakers.
The Counteroffensive is the perfect combination of field reporting and storytelling. Tim Mak has assembled an incredible group of reporters to show us the human face of the war in Ukraine - the toll it is taking on the country, and the incredible resilience and courage of its people. I love the additional coverage of Taiwan - which is an underreported story.
Chris is a former colleague of mine at CNN who has become a friend. I have always loved his unique perspective of explaining our politics and society and I've loving that he is also sharing more of his life lessons in So What.
In addition to the great podcast of the same name with Marc Thiessen, Dany Pletka offers searing, provocative and insightful analysis with a touch of humor in What the Hell is Going On. She is a beautiful, fearless writer.
Tom is such a talented reporter who sees the political trends before they happen and gets to the story first. He has assembled a terrific team and 24signs is going to be n invaluable team for the 2024 campaign.
Aaron is the OG independent journalist who has shown us you don't have to be attached to a big news organization to lead the pack with news exclusives and create a go-to brand. He is fearless, insightful and continues to inspire me with his approach to reporting. He has assembled a thoughtful group of contributors who add depth to Public Notice's political coverage, which is much needed in following the daily grind.
If you don't think centrist, common-sense arguments can be insightful and persuasive, you need to check out The Liberal Patriot. This group of writers and contributors bring incredible expertise to offer honest, thought-provoking and practical ways to improve our policy approaches that eschew polarization.